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City Council Minutes 08/15/2002
August 15, 2002

ROLL CALL - Councilors Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli
City Staff present:  City Manager John Salomone, Corporation Counsel Tom Leone, City Clerk Debra McCormick, William Lupien, Superintendent of Engineering Services.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Presentations and Proclamations
Presentation of Petition and Communications
Public Announcements
City Manager
The City Manager reported the following:
·       Updated Council on Community Plans for Five Points and Owasco St. neighborhood area.  He distributed a handout outlining process.  He commented that the process was going well and community participation was good.
·       Updated Council on the road program and said it should be compete by fall.
·       Responded to citizen concern that push buttons at cross walks were not working.  He explained they are working and how they work.
·       Reported that the City Hall parking lot would be unavailable on Monday and Tuesday next week while testing for geothermal well is done.  Employees are asked to park in the garage or in lot across from City Hall.  Visitors will have reserved space in lot.
·       Enforcement of 2 hour parking downtown is now in full force.  Councilor Hunter showed everyone the ticket he received to illustrate, commented that he paid his and suggested everyone else do the same.
·       Councilor McNabb commented on the road construction and reports of damage to cars he has heard of.  Council and Manager discussed signage at road construction sites.

Public to be Heard
Mike Lepak, 244 Franklin St. spoke to council about the truck traffic on Franklin St.  He asked that the city enforce the five-ton limit.

Report of City Officials
Committee Reports
Councilor Dempsey reported on the AIDA meeting where an agreement was reached with McQuay and they are staying in Auburn.

Mayor Carnicelli reported that she attended an Employee Recognition Committee meeting.
Ordinances - None

Council Resolution #154 of 2002 authorizing the Mayor to accept and execute an agreement for “Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) in the amount of $135,000.  Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, Mayor Carnicelli aye
Council Resolution #155 of 2002 awarding bid to G. Amodei Construction Co. of Auburn New York for $96,863.00 for the 2002 Revolving Loan Sidewalk Program. Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, Mayor Carnicelli aye
Local Law
Tabled Legislation - None

Other Business
The City Manager explains the damage liability of contractors relating to vehicle damage during construction.

Councilor Hunter asked Mr. Lupien when the Lake Ave Bridge would be painted.  Mr. Lupien responded after Labor Day.  Councilor Hunter also asked about granite being put back at Y-Field.  Mr. Salomone reported that Public Works was doing that.

Mayor Carnicelli asked if the plaque for dedication at the Y-field Reunion mtg36.08.15.02was being worked on.  The answer was yes.

Councilor Jacobs wanted to know the status of his request for a stop sign at Seymour and Cross Streets.

Councilor Hunter commented on the decline in activity at city playgrounds.  Mayor Carnicelli also commented.  Councilor Hunter commented on cost of insurance at skate board park

Second Public to be heard -  None.

Motion to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss the employment history of a particular individual, collective bargaining negotiations, proposed sale of lease of property.  Jacobs/Dempsey, all in favor.  Meeting began at 6PM and ended at 8:00PM.
